As a new mother you may face the following symptoms during your early pregnancy.

  1. Vaginal bleeding
  2. Excessive vomiting
  3. Lower abdomen pain and pelvic pain
  4. Physiological changes of pregnancy
  • Whenever you experience vaginal bleeding after your missed periods report to hospital immediately to check for implantation bleeding or abortion.
  • Your doctor will examine you and reassure whether it is a normal spotting which happen in early pregnancy or the impending abortion which will be managed differently.
  • Don’t delay your dating scan to confirm your pregnancy whether it is intrauterine or extrauterine.
  • Excessive vomiting may dehydrate you and you may feel fatigue. Hospital admission may be required to manage with IV fluids and medicines for vomiting. sometimes you may experience the lower abdomen pain which may be due to acute urinary retention or urinary infection and sometimes associated with vaginal bleeding in case of abortion. Do not neglect any kind of abdomen pain and report to hospital for early intervention.
  • You may experience a craving for unusual foods and even non-foods.
  • As the uterus presses on bladder base and causes a sense of urinary urgency and frequency. Sensible fluid intake and avoiding excess fluids before bedtime is helpful.
  • With expanding uterus, you may experience back ache or groin pain. Better to do an ultrasound to rule out any pathology. Local heat, postural modifications and footwear are helpful.
  • Some may experience palpitations, breathlessness, blackouts and fatigue due to hormonal changes, but the pathological causes should be ruled out.