'Midwifery Led Care Unit' is a unit where maternity care is provided by Nurse practitioner Midwives (NPMs) after completing 18 months training at designated state midwifery training institutes (SMTIs). It is an initiative by Government of India for strengthening reproductive, maternal and newborn health services.

This MLCU unit had been established first in our esteemed institution in Tamil Nadu for providing high quality maternal health services.

    1. Establish MLCU
    2. Demand generation and community engagement
    3. Inclusion of Respectful maternity care(RMC)
    4. Physiological birthing
    5. Encourage presence of birth companion
    6. Expansion of pool of NPMs
    7. Health system strengthening
  • The MLCU offers birthing positions of choice ( Alternative Birthing positions) and promotes physiological childbirth for all low- risk pregnant women.
  • MLCU is located adjacent to the existing conventional labour room and operate under the supervision of obstetrician.
  • This units will be equipped with active birthing equipment's such as birthing mats, birthing balls, birthing chair etc. Which may enable pregnant women to choose desired birthing position.
  • The nurse practitioner midwives will teach pregnant women on different types of antenatal exercises, alternative birthing positions, nutrition, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, adequate rest, maintain personal hygiene, family planning methods, awareness on GOI schemes, birth preparedness, linkage for referral transport.
  • MLCU will be a stand-alone model but in close proximity to the conventional labour room. It will coexist with the existing maternity unit. In the event of emergency obstetric care, she may be immediately transferred to the adjoining labour care unit.
  • Throughout pregnancy, the body experience various physical and mental changes. Yoga and other exercises during pregnancy helps to keep a body and mind healthy and it facilitates healthy breathing and comfortable labour. It helps to:
    1. Reduce stress level improves the quality of sleep
    2. Increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles around the pelvic region. 
    3. Decrease lower back pain
    4. Decrease nausea
    5. Decrease carpal tunnel syndrome
    6. Decrease headache
    7. Reduce risk of preterm labour
    8. Lower risk of intrauterine growth restriction
  • MLCU encourages alternating birth positions like squatting, lateral/ side lying, standing upright position, hands and knees position and semi-sitting / upright sitting and kneeling position based on patient's preference.
  • Birth companion is encouraged to accompany the parturient.